So far it has been far too difficult to get help with home cleaning - and often it is also illegal or "black" labor.
With Hilfr, everything is sorted, each booking follows the same recipe.
We have many talented people ready to help you. Use the search tool to find the one you think is best suited to your needs.
You can see the price of your cleaning, reviews, and read what Hilfrs writes about themselves. All of our Hilfrs are ID validated and insured through Tryg, so you can safely leave your home in their skilled hands.
Once you find the right Hilfr, you can request a booking at your convenience.
When booking your Hilfr, you can choose how many hours the booking should last, whether it should be repeated periodically, and whether there are additional services you wish to purchase.
After sending your booking request, your Hilfr will receive an email and can see your booking on their profile. Most Hilfrs respond quickly, but if your Hilfr, for example, is out on a cleaning job, it may take some time before you receive a reply.
As soon as your Hilfr accepts the request, you will receive a confirmation email and the agreement is now confirmed.
Before your Hilfr comes to visit, you can communicate and agree on the tasks, how your Hilfr will access your home, etc.
The best result is achieved when you tell your Hilfr what is most important to you. Of course, you know your home best, which is why it is also easier for your Hilfr if you go through what to do, together.
Also remember to make sure you have detergents and equipment ready for your Hilfr.
When the day comes and your Hilfr comes to visit, simply welcome the Hilfr and talk to them about what to do.
Show where the detergents and equipment are located and share specific details such as which soap to use on what surfaces.
You decide if you want to stay at home while your Hilfr is cleaning. If you leave, remember to agree with your Hilfr how to lock up.
When the booking is over, you can finish the booking in the system and give your Hilfr a review.
If you do not complete the booking yourself, it will automatically be completed 48 hours after the booking. Payment will only be withdrawn when the booking is completed.
If you selected a recurring booking, the system will automatically generate your next cleaning appointment.