Important Notice: Starting January 1, 2025, our prices will be adjusted due to an increase in pension contributions for our employees. This will result in a price increase of approximately 5%. We appreciate your understanding and support. For any questions please contact support.

Hilfr’s collective agreement with 3F has negotiated a collective agreement with 3F, a Danish trade union. The collective agreement means people working a lot through the platform can be employed by

As the very first, can offer private cleaning covered by a collective agreement with proper tax payments, good hourly pay and decent working conditions.

We have entered a collective agreement with 3F, because we believe that good working conditions are essential for everyone.

Hilfr is the first platform to negotiate a collective agreement and we are proud to combine new technological opportunities with good working conditions.

As a point of departure, all cleaners start as Freelance Hilfrs and will then automatically become Super Hilfrs after 100 hours worked – but the Hilfr is free to choose to continue as a Freelance Hilfr after the 100 hours threshold.

Freelance Hilfr Super Hilfr
The Hilfr is a freelancer The Hilfr is employed by Hilfr ApS
The Hilfr sets their own hourly rate The minimum salary is 152 DKK/hour but the Hilfr can choose to raise the pay
The Hilfr gets pension, holiday pay and sickness cover.
Both Hilfr and customer are covered by insurance from Tryg. Both Hilfr and customer are covered by insurance from Tryg.
The Hilfr must file a tax report and is obliged to do it correctly. reports the income directly to the tax authorities = guaranteed correct tax payments
Customers need the individual CPR-number of Hilfr(s) to get the Danish servicefradrag (a tax deduction scheme) Customers can use Hilfr ApS CVR number for the Danish servicefradrag (a tax deduction scheme).
A freelance Hilfr is free to choose to be employed as a Super Hilfr. Super Hilfrs typically have vast cleaning experience through Hilfr or other cleaning companies.